If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need to come into our Tempe, Arizona dental office to see Dr. Christopher Drew.
Bruxism is a habit of grinding or clenching the teeth. Clenching means you tightly hold your top and bottom teeth together. Grinding occurs when you slide your teeth back and forth over each other.
Here are some symptoms you may be experiencing if you are grinding or having jaw problems at night.
-soare jaw
-frequent toothaches
-facial pain
-worn or fractured tooth enamel
-loose teeth
How are how some jaw problems are treated.
Dr. Drew may suggest a night-gaurd to wear while you sleep. Night-gaurds sre helpful for bruxism caused by sleep, disorders, crooked or missing teeth or stress. 

Pain from clenching and grinding can be relieved by paying attention to the symptoms, frequent6 visits to Dr. Drew's Tempe Dental office and good communication with Dr. Drew.
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Short, but informative and easy to read article. Good post you have here.
Bruxism can indeed damage your teeth. What's worse is that it's hard to prevent it since teeth grinding usually happens when you sleep. It could be caused by some kind of stress. Those mouth guards are the best solutions that can be given by your dentist. St. Petersburg has a lot of dentists that can make mouth guards for you. These are indeed the best way to prevent further tooth damage due to bruxism.
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