Case Details:
Q: What causes a cracked tooth?
-chewing on hard objects or foods such as ice, nuts, or hard candy.
-an accident
-grinding and clenching your teeth
- uneven chewing pressure
-loss of significant portion of tooth structure
Q: How can you tell if a tooth is cracked?
A: You may not even be able to tell which tooth hurts or whether the pain is from an upper or lower tooth. A crack may appear as a hairline fracture, running vertically along the tooth.
Q:Why does a cracked tooth hurt?
A: A cracked tooth may hurt because the pressure of biting causes the crack to open. When you stop biting, the pressure is released and a sharp pain results as the crack quickly closes.
This is a picture of what a cracked tooth might look like. The red arrows point to the crack.
Case Solved:
Treating a cracked tooth:
Depending on the size and location of the crack, treatment may vary from bonding to a crown to hold the crack together. This may include endodontic treatment if the pulp is involved. A severely cracked tooth may need an extraction if the tooth cannot be saved. Dr. Drew will need to determine the best treatment for you.
IMPORTANT CASE FACTS:Frequent and regular dental exams and oral health checkups are very important. They will allow Dr. Drew to diagnose and treat problems in the early stage. If you are having any symptoms of a cracked tooth, please call our office as soon as possible. We are ready to solve the case!
Visit: for more information.
This information is from the American Dental Association.
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